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Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group)

You have searched for Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group), one of our listed manufacturers offering premium quality parts and components. Here you can easily find all the information you need about the manufacturer and browse through the parts listed here. We offer fast turnaround times on almost all our orders across the US. If you are interested in any Y14870R00300F0R from Vishay Foil Resistors (Division of Vishay Precision Group), all you have to do is complete and submit the Request for Quote (RFQ) form. We offer a quick quote in 15 minutes from receiving the form. One of the members of our team will contact you. We are available 24x7 at your service.

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    Part No. Description Product Name Standard Packaging Other Name Series Product Status Action
    Y145520K0000A0W  RES SMD 20K OHM 0.05% 1/5W 1506 Y145520K0000A0W 100 VSM Active RFQ
    Y145530K0000A0W  RES SMD 30K OHM 0.05% 1/5W 1506 Y145530K0000A0W 100 VSM Active RFQ
    Y14730R02500F9W  RES 0.025 OHM 1% 2W 3637 Y14730R02500F9W 1,000 CSM3637Z Obsolete RFQ
    Y14730R04000F0W  RES 0.04 OHM 1% 2W 3637 Y14730R04000F0W 1,000 CSM3637Z Obsolete RFQ
    Y147925R0000F0L  RES 25 OHM 10W 1% RADIAL Y147925R0000F0L 25 VHP4Z Active RFQ
    Y14803R33330B129L  RES 3.3333 OHM 10W 0.1% RADIAL Y14803R33330B129L 25 VPR247Z Active RFQ
    Y1485V0089BT9R  RES NETWORK 2 RES 200 OHM 1610 Y1485V0089BT9R 1,000 DSM Active RFQ
    Y14870R00700B0R  RES 0.007 OHM 0.1% 1W 2512 Y14870R00700B0R 1,000 CSM Active RFQ
    Y14870R05000F6R  RES 0.05 OHM 1% 1W 2512 Y14870R05000F6R 10 CSM Active RFQ
    Y14870R06800D6R  RES 0.068 OHM 0.5% 1W 2512 Y14870R06800D6R 10 CSM Active RFQ
    Y14880R00250B0R  RES 0.0025 OHM 0.1% 3W 3637 Y14880R00250B0R 2,500 CSM Active RFQ
    Y149612K0000B9R  RES SMD 12K OHM 0.1% 0.15W 1206 Y149612K0000B9R 1,000 VSM Active RFQ
    Y149620K0000T0R  RES SMD 20K OHM 0.01% 0.15W 1206 Y149620K0000T0R 1,000 VSM Active RFQ
    Y14962K18000Q0W  VSM1206 2K1800 TCR2 0.02% B W Y14962K18000Q0W 100 VSM Active RFQ
    Y14966K20000B9R  VSM1206 6K2000 TCR2 0.1% S T Y14966K20000B9R 100 VSM Active RFQ
    Y15082K00000BP0L  RES 2K OHM 0.6W 0.1% RADIAL Y15082K00000BP0L 25 RNC90T Active RFQ
    Y15085K00000VR1R  RES 5K OHM 0.005% 0.6W RADIAL Y15085K00000VR1R 25 RNC90T Active RFQ
    Y1521V0400TT0L  RES ARRAY 4 RES MULT OHM 8SMD Y1521V0400TT0L 25 SMNH Active RFQ
    Y1522V0668QT0L  SMNH2 252R/18R/ 18R/252R Q T B Y1522V0668QT0L 25 SMNH Active RFQ
    Y16073R10000E9W  RES SMD 3.1 OHM 1/2W 2516 WIDE Y16073R10000E9W 25 VCS1625Z Active RFQ
    Y16080R25000A9L  RES 0.25 OHM 2W .05% RADIAL Y16080R25000A9L 25 VCS232Z Active RFQ
    Y1608122R0904Q9L  RES 122.0904 OHM 2W .02% RADIAL Y1608122R0904Q9L 25 VCS232Z Active RFQ
    Y161120K0000T9W  VSM2010 20K000 TCR2 0.01% S W Y161120K0000T9W 100 VSM Active RFQ
    Y161170K0000T9W  RES SMD 70K OHM 0.01% 0.3W 2010 Y161170K0000T9W 100 VSM Active RFQ
    Y161225K0000T9W  RES SMD 25K OHM 0.01% 0.4W 2512 Y161225K0000T9W 50 VSM Active RFQ
    Y162410R0000F9R  RES SMD 10 OHM 1% 1/5W 0805 Y162410R0000F9R 1,000 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y16241K14000C9W  VSMP0805 1K1400 TCR0.2 0.25% S W Y16241K14000C9W 100 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y16241K74000T9W  RES SMD 1.74KOHM 0.01% 1/5W 0805 Y16241K74000T9W 100 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y1624220R000B0W  RES SMD 220 OHM 0.1% 1/5W 0805 Y1624220R000B0W 100 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y162425R0000F9W  RES SMD 25 OHM 1% 1/5W 0805 Y162425R0000F9W 100 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y16243K65000T9W  VSMP0805 3K6500 TCR0.2 0.01% S W Y16243K65000T9W 100 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y16244K48300T0W  RES SMD 4.483K OHM 1/5W 0805 Y16244K48300T0W 100 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y1624625R000T0R  RES SMD 625 OHM 0.01% 1/5W 0805 Y1624625R000T0R 2,500 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y162466R5000A0W  RES SMD 66.5 OHM 0.05% 1/5W 0805 Y162466R5000A0W 100 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y1624680R000F9R  RES SMD 680 OHM 1% 1/5W 0805 Y1624680R000F9R 1,000 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y16246K54000B0W  RES SMD 6.54K OHM 0.1% 1/5W 0805 Y16246K54000B0W 100 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y1625100R000Q9R  RES SMD 100 OHM 0.02% 0.3W 1206 Y1625100R000Q9R 200 VSMP1206 100R000 TCR0.2 0.02% S T | Y1625-100ATR | Y1625-100ACT | Y1625-100ADKR VSMP Active RFQ
    Y1625180R000Q9W  RES SMD 180 OHM 0.02% 0.3W 1206 Y1625180R000Q9W 100 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y16251K10000Q0R  RES SMD 1.1K OHM 0.02% 0.3W 1206 Y16251K10000Q0R 2,500 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y16252K94000Q23R  V/N 303135 2K9400 0.02% B T 1555 Y16252K94000Q23R 10 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y1625350R000T9R  RES SMD 350 OHM 0.01% 0.3W 1206 Y1625350R000T9R 1,000 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y16253K24000T23R  V/N 303135 3K2400 0.01% B T 1555 Y16253K24000T23R 10 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y1625420R060Q0W  RES SMD 420.06 OHM 0.3W 1206 Y1625420R060Q0W 100 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y16255K00000T0W  RES SMD 5K OHM 0.01% 0.3W 1206 Y16255K00000T0W 100 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y16255K00000T23R  V/N 303135 5K0000 0.01% B T 1555 Y16255K00000T23R 10 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y162568R0000D0W  RES SMD 68 OHM 0.5% 0.3W 1206 Y162568R0000D0W 100 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y16258K25000B49R  RES SMD 8.25K OHM 0.1% 0.3W 1206 Y16258K25000B49R 2,500 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y16259K31000T9R  RES SMD 9.31KOHM 0.01% 0.3W 1206 Y16259K31000T9R 1,000 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y1626110R000Q9R  RES SMD 110 OHM 0.02% 0.3W 1506 Y1626110R000Q9R 2,500 VSMP Active RFQ
    Y162622K0000T9W  RES SMD 22K OHM 0.01% 0.3W 1506 Y162622K0000T9W 100 VSMP Active RFQ

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